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Dreamy Forest Birthday For Isabella's 1st


Updated: Jun 22, 2022

Have you ever had a moment where everything just felt perfect. Like literally perfect? That was Isabella's 1st birthday party for me. Now, before you think I'm gloating, just hear me out. I have hosted many kids birthdays that have felt less than perfect. For example, my sons' 3rd birthday were I got a flat tire on the way to the party and arrived late, then ran around stressed while he sat inside crying because there were too many people. Mom fail on that one. But this one, from start to finish was just dreamy. The friends, the family, the weather, the location, the food, the decoration, and most importantly an absolutely delightful and happy little birthday girl. I could just relive this moment all over. But okay, you get the idea, enough about that already.

Here are the pictures of Isabella's 1'st Birthday located in Caledonia State Park.

The location was perfect, oh wait, I already said that. But seriously, as soon as I saw it, I knew this was the place. We had a family scouting party the week before looking for the party spot. After a beautiful hike through the woods we stumbled across a clearing with direct access to the creek. The kids had an amazing time splashing around and then we had a boat race competition where everyone had 10 minutes to make a boat out of anything they could find in nature.

My sister helped me put together a beautiful charcuterie table, complete with acorn shaped cookies for party favors. For the cake I chose a simple vanilla cake with fresh berries and homemade whip cream in between each layer. I added some fresh flowers and left it at that. I also made Isabella a smaller smash cake, which she so delicately examined and then politely licked. It was adorable.

Now for the birthday girl...

Let's talk about this food again... It definitely did not look this pretty for long. It was devoured quickly, and very much enjoyed. Fresh fruits, meats and cheeses, fresh bakery bread, and of course lots and lots of desserts.

For the decoration I handmade a macrame backdrop, which now serves as the wall art in Isabella's nursery. I kept the backdrop simple using 6mm macrame cord and a simple pattern. Getting this piece hung was less than safe, but using the help of my husband and brother in law for a ladder, we successfully managed to hang it up. What a dedicated team! Speaking of team, my sister was absolutely essential for this party. She was my right hand woman and I could not have pulled this off if it weren't for her help. She is pretty amazing. I bought fresh flowers for the tables and used them to also make an arrangement for on top of the macrame backdrop. For the final touch I printed off pictures from birth to 1 year of Isabella and wrapped them around 2 trees as a gallery.

Here is the final product of the macrame backdrop with the birthday girl sitting pretty:

I knew I wanted to keep everything as simple and in tune with nature as possible, so for party favors we handmade stick crayons, which actually wasn't a hard craft to make! We also created some whimsical stick people that the kids loved playing with. We had a little craft time during the party where the kids made nature weavings with flowers, sticks, and grasses, and weaved them into some pre cut animal shapes that I had cut from cardboard.

My favorite part of the whole party was watching all the kids wave their ribbon wands and dance while they sang happy birthday to Isabella. Just a bunch of kids with dirty feet living in the moment while the parents took pictures. Hmm... maybe I should have put my phone down to join in with them.

I am so thankful for such an amazing day, and just had to stop and praise God so many times during the party for such a wonderful family, healthy kids, and a gorgeous spot to enjoy His creation and the beauty of 1 whole year with our darling Isabella. What a year of pure joy. The party went by so fast but we did managed to snap a couple of family pictures before the incredible day was over.

Now onto planning her 2nd birthday!!!

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I'm Lyndee!

Designer, creative, diy'er, momma, wife, and follower of Jesus. Just here to share my creative journey and hopefully encourage others along the way.

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The Bloom Studio Designs

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